Highly effective treatment and removal of many warts and other common skin lesions - For example, in a study of 96 patients with 505 Plantar Warts who saw one physician over a 16-month period, 92% of the warts cleared completely after cryosurgery (84% after only a single treatment).
Good cosmetic results - lesions heal with no or minimal scarring, even if freezing is excessive.
Treatment is easy, quick, and convenient to perform - The average freeze time for common lesions is 5-30 seconds.
Minimal pain - No anesthetic is generally needed and patients often feel little pain during or after most treatments.
Bloodless and odorless - There is no bleeding during treatment and there is no smell.
Easy to learn - Cryosurgery for many common lesions can be learned in 3-4 hours. Brymill Cryogenic Systems offers a FREE DVD that provides a 13-minute overview of cryosurgery. Call Brymill for a copy.